We currently have five committees to support the running of AEA-Europe. Committees are made up of members of the association.
Professional Development Committee
The PDC is committed to making AEA-Europe the foremost association for all assessment professionals throughout Europe particularly, with the active involvement of its academic, professional and vocational members.
Creates opportunities for members to increase their knowledge and understanding of assessment and keeping up to date with the latest developments
Organises a number of activities such as:
AEA-Europe Accreditation scheme
New Researcher Award
Poster Award
Webinars and Seminars
Standards for Educational Assessment
Doctoral Network
The PDC is made up of members from the Association
Elena Papanastasiou (University of Nicosia)
Bas Hemker (CITO, Netherlands)
Shakeh Manassian (PSI Services, UK)
Communications Committee
The role of the PC is to set and maintain a professional communication flow amongst members and future members throughout the year.
Deborah Chetcuti (University of Malta)
Judith Gracey (AQA, UK)
Penelope Woodham (Cambridge Assessment Network)
Jeanne Marie Ryan (AQA, UK)
Scientific Programme Committee
The SPC arranges all matters related to the production of the conference presentations and preparation of the Conference Programme.
Stuart Shaw (Institute of Education, University College London, UK)
Rebecca Hamer (IB, Netherlands)
Doreen Said Pace (Ministry for Education, Sports, Youth, Research and Innovation, Malta)
Dario Pirotta (University of Malta, Malta)
Michalis Michaelides (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Angela Verschoor (CITO, Netherlands)
Conference Organising Committee
The Conference Organising Committee is established once the host country for a conference is identified. It is responsible for the organization of the annual conference.
Prepares the conference budget for approval by Council
Elena Papanastasiou, Chair of the LOC 2024 Cyprus conference (University of Nicosia)
Stuart Shaw, Chair of SPC (Institute of Education, University College London)
Deborah Chetcuti, previous conference LOC Member (University of Malta)
Linda Wye, AEA-Europe Secretariat (AQA)
Michalis Michaelides, Member of the LOC 2024 Cyprus conference (University of Cyprus)
Iasonas Lambrianou, Member of the LOC 2024 Cyprus conference (University of Cyprus)
Agni Stylianou, Member of the LOC 2024 Cyprus conference (University of Nicosia)
Petros Stratis, (EasyConferences)
Christos Therapontos, (EasyConferences)
Audit Committee
The role of the AC is to examine the financial statements provided by the Treasurer.
Graham Hudson (GA Partnerships, UK)
Fazilat Siddiq (University of South-Eastern, Norway)
Sebastiaan de Klerk (eX:plain, the Netherlands)