eAssessment SIG
The eAssessment SIG provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and information about educational eAssessment. Opportunities are provided to do this at the AEA-E Annual Conference (such as in Pre-Conference Workshops and Discussion Groups) and through activities such as regular webinars and blogs. Recordings of SIG webinars are available to AEA-E members in member Resources.
Membership of the SIG is open to all AEA-E members. Please use the button below to join. If you are not yet a member of AEA Europe, you can join here.
When joining the SIG, your email address may be shared with the SIG Steering Group to facilitate communication with you.

AEA-Europe’s eAssessment SIG and the e-Assessment Association are exploring ways we can collaborate for the benefit of our members. Please click on the logo to visit the eAA website.

eAssessment SIG Steering Group:
Marianna Asatryan, Ellison Institute of Technology
Graeme Clark, Scottish Qualifications Authority (Chair)
Rebecca Conway, NCFE
Irene Custodio, Pearson
Alison Matthews, University of Oxford
Stuart Shaw, University College London
Ben Stafford, AQA
Special Interest Groups & Networks
If you would like to join the eAssessment SIG, please provide the following information which we will only use to engage with you and send you information about the SIG’s activities. Thank you.