Participation Fund

The AEA-Europe Council acknowledges that, for some members, the cost of attending the annual conference can be prohibitive. Therefore, the Council has allocated €5,000 to fund a scheme to support members in attending the conference.

This “Participation Fund” can be used where cost is a real barrier to a member being able to attend the conference. A member may make an application to the Council to have a part of the costs covered by the Association. The application should detail:

the member’s current role and contribution to assessment development within Europe
where any part of the costs can be covered from and which costs would be needed from the Association
how the lessons learned from attendance at the conference would be used to improve assessment provision in Europe
whether the member has had a presentation or a poster accepted for the upcoming conference.

All applications for assistance from the Participation Fund must be submitted to by 10th July 2024.

The Council will consider all applications received by that date and inform applicants of the outcomes as soon as possible thereafter. In deciding on each case, the Council will consider whether:

the applicant or their organisation would not otherwise be able to attend

other sources of funding have been sought

the applicant has sufficient background knowledge of assessment issues to participate in conference and benefit from it
the applicant will make arrangements to disseminate to others in their own country
the applicant is in a position in their country to assist in the development of the assessment system or its reform

Sponsoring the future of assessment research

Would you like to support the development of new researchers by enabling them to attend the AEA Europe conference when they might not otherwise be able to?  We are now offering the opportunity to sponsor the future of assessment research by contributing to the Participation Fund, as outlined above.  Sponsors who contribute 500 euro or more to the Fund in a given year will be entitled to the following:

  • Logo associated with the sponsor in all publications and on the AEA Europe website
  • Being named and identified as a sponsor of the fund
  • 1 complimentary digital conference bag insert
  • Mention in welcome address
  • Company logo on the back of the conference programme