Postgraduate Student and Early Career Researcher Network
This special interest group (SIG) connects postgraduate students (both taught and research) and early career researchers in the field of educational assessment. It aims to develop a collaborative learning community, to provide a forum for discussion and a platform to present research in progress, and to encourage and facilitate the involvement of postgraduate students and early career researchers in the wider AEA-Europe organisation. It organises events at the AEA-E annual conference, webinars, and regular opportunities for members to get together online to share experiences and offer support. Recordings of SIG webinars are available to AEA-E members in member Resources.
Membership of the SIG is open to all AEA-E members. Please use the button below to join. If you are not yet a member of AEA Europe, you can join here.
When joining the SIG, your email address may be shared with the SIG Steering Group to facilitate communication with you.

Network Steering Group:
Dan-Anders Normann, Department of Teacher Education in Vocational Subjects, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Estelia Borquez Sanchez, University of Glasgow (Chair)
Gabriel Cipriano, CIES-ISCTE, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Julie Leonardsen, Department of Teacher Education in Vocational Subjects, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Pernille Moe, Department of Pedagogy, Western Norwegian University of Applied Sciences
Shakeh Manassian, University of Glasgow/PSI Services
Skevi Vassiliou, The Language Centre, Cyprus University of Technology
Special Interest Groups & Networks
If you would like to join the Post Graduate & Early Career Researcher Network SIG, please provide the following information which we will only use to engage with you and send you information about the SIG’s activities. Thank you.