Assessment Cultures SIG
The Assessment Cultures SIG offers a forum for members to discuss assessment cultures and to examine their own cultures and values through learning about those of others. The SIG’s identity is created by the contributions of its members who bring a wide range of perspectives – historical, educational, psychological, sociological, methodological and more.
Please join us to explore what assessment cultures are and how we are all affected by them. The SIG provides opportunities to do this at the AEA-E annual conference (such as in Pre-Conference Workshops and Discussion Groups) and through activities such as regular webinars and blogs. To stimulate discussion, the Steering Committee has begun to draft a working definition of assessment cultures on which comments are welcome.
Recordings of SIG webinars are available to AEA-E members in member Resources.
Recordings of SIG webinars are available to AEA-E members in member Resources.
Membership of the SIG is open to all AEA-E members. Please use the button below to join. If you are not yet a member of AEA Europe, you can join here.
When joining the SIG, your email address may be shared with the SIG Steering Group to facilitate communication with you.
Assessment Cultures SIG Steering Group:
Eleanor Andressen
Isabel Nisbet
Raphaël Pasquini
Sam Passeport (Chair)
Lise Vikan Sandvik
Christoph Schneider
Marte Søve Syverud
Stuart Shaw
Andrew Watts
Nathalie Younès
Special Interest Groups & Networks
If you would like to join the Assessment Cultures SIG, please provide the following information which we will only use to engage with you and send you information about the SIG’s activities. Thank you.